Extreme Data Presentation…
There is only one thing more important than having good data : presenting it properly and functionally. We put an extreme amount of effort into presentation, pioneering new ways to present and navigate data, and this is an ongoing exercise.
Apart from the usual presentation tools found in competitor products, some exciting features you will most likely only find in NebelCRM are:
International Support : Built in translation
Data can be stored in any supported language, and is already translated in its stored format, so is simply returned in the desired language. This is all automatic and transparent.
Creation of links in any field
Very often data entered is best described or related to online data – perhaps a webpage on the customers site, or some interesting information regarding an opportunity etc. We allow links in most fields automatically.
Templated Formatting
This is pre-configured formatting as specified by the designer.
On-the-fly Data Formatting
This is pretty unique. Unlike templated formatting which applies to all objects, this is specific to only the one field in the one record. An example may be coloring the text white and blue to match the company logo, or to highlight data users want to draw their teams attention to.
Quick Navigation Thread
As user ‘drill into’ data by clicking through links, we build a navigation thread : like a breadcrumb showing the path to the current displayed data. This both describes how they got to the record, and also makes it super easy to navigate back by just clicking on one of the breadcrumbs.
Mixed Data-model Applets
Unlike other systems which can only display specific types of child records, NebelCRM is not limited. So its easy to have some header data with an applet of mixed child records.
Store Additional (Unplanned) Data
On of the downfalls of the strict structures competitor systems have to enforce is the loss of data which doesn’t ‘fit’ anywhere. If enabled on our business objects, users can add random fields and data they consider important to their business which are not in the primary configuration for the business object, this is done on-the-fly.